Tropeful is a podcast that explores how trope (Biblical cantillation) interprets the text, bringing new insights and understanding. 

Shemot 5777

This week, I have found myself overly busy just having finished our beautiful and harmonious Sisterhood Shabbat, as well as continuing the extensive journey of creating our forthcoming Purim shpiel: Hamiltaschen. I am fully committed to continuing the podcast, but recognizing that nearly every other podcast out there has weeks where they take a break or two, I am feeling that very need this week!  So, thank you for continuing to follow the podcast, and this week, I would like to suggest a few other podcasts and blogs that you may find interesting:

On the Other Hand: Ten Minutes of Torah (Union for Reform Judaism) Join President of the URJ, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, in his weekly, modern Torah commentary.

Moment Magazine's 2016 List of Top Ten Jewish Podcasts 

OMGWTFBible This is a very unbridled, no-holds-barred approach to the Hebrew Bible, but host David Tuchman is both a really skilled translator, as well as a comedian.  He both understands the text and its nuances, and the parts where it is just amusing and happily enlightening.  Try it out. 

And I can't help but include this one, as much as my podcast isn't political: 

100 Days. 100 Letters. is an interfaith blog of scholars and clergy each writing insightful letters to the new administration, and along the way, teaching of the values that each religion represented can teach to all.  It is too beautiful not to share, and was an idea conceived by a former professor of mine, Rabbi Andrea Weiss.  

I'll be back again soon, a little later in the week, with Parashat Va'era.  Be Tropeful. 

Vaera 5777

Vayechi 5777